Wednesday, 30 March 2016

8 Essential Tips To Consider for Modeling Jobs

Modelling has a reputation for being a highly exclusive career open only to the beautiful and perfect few, but this image is far from accurate. The modelling industry includes a wide variety of specializations, from high-fashion studio work to plus-size catwalk work, from promotional and trade modelling to special interest modelling. Of course, models are expected to have that special something, but this quality can come in many forms. Here at Studiomango we have come to realize that there are 8 essential musts for anyone seeking modelling jobs.

Advice for Modeling 

1. Do Your Research

There are so many different types of modelling jobs that anyone serious about modelling should do some in-depth research to find out which type is best for them. To put it briefly, catwalk models are expected to be tall and relatively flat chested to allow the clothes they are modelling to hang attractively. Promotional models need to be confident and self-assured in order to talk to their client’s potential customers. Catalogue models need to be in good proportion, to be photogenic and able to provide a range of poses quickly and reliably. Choosing the right specialization for your modelling career is crucial to your success.

2. Take Care of Your Body

Eating correctly and taking regular exercise are only the first steps in taking care of your body. As a model, you are expected to be an available blank canvas with which the marketing team and photographers can work. This means keeping your skin as clear and as healthy as possible, ensuring your nails are neat and free from coloured nail polish and making sure your hair is clean, trimmed and in good condition. Don’t worry, having a spot won’t mean you can’t do a photoshoot, but it’s essential that you treat it to reduce any swelling.

3. Prepare a Portfolio for Modelling Jobs

When first applying to a modelling agency, it’s a good idea to have  portfolio to hand. Include information such as height, weight, and shoe size, hip, waist, and chest size and also the colour of your hair, eyes and skin.  Take your images that we at Studiomango have done for you,  plus your video that we produced, this will give you an edge of others.
Modeling studion in london

4. Practice Your Professional Poses

It’s well known that the busiest models are usually the best posers. This is because they get the most practice. For aspiring and newbie models, the best way to get this practice is to enlist the services of family and friends to help you perfect your poses. Follow a guide on achieving great poses and then try them out in front of the camera until they are second nature. We can advise you when you have a photoshoot with us at Studiomango.

5. Read up on Modelling
There’s nothing like a little industry insight to give you an edge in modelling. Look online for model interviews and articles about the business. This is the best way to learn what to expect at interviews, auditions and go-sees. There’s no substitute for being well prepared.

6. Be on Time and be Professional

We can’t stress this enough. If you have an appointment with your agency, a potential client or for a shoot or show, always be on time. Although the modelling world seems full of divas who can do what they please, a newbie model who keeps other professionals waiting won’t be re-booked. And remember, no matter how much fun it might be, modelling is still a job and it is still work. Always be polite and respectful to the people you are working alongside. If you find yourself in a disagreement, don’t argue about it, just call your agency.
Best Modling Studion in London

7. Be Creative and Unique

An important part of being a successful model is being able to offer something original and unique. This doesn’t mean you need to be kooky or crazy to stand out. Your look might be warm and friendly, or smart and serious. You just need to learn how to present this look in a way that makes your modelling stand out from the crowd.
Modeling Portfolio in London
8. Channel Your Self-Esteem

You’ve probably heard it said that models need tough skin. It’s not really true. What you need is self-esteem. Part of going to auditions is hearing the word ‘no’. Understand that the word no is normal and a rejection is not a criticism of you. The most important tool in modelling is good self-esteem and it’s a quality that will continue to benefit you for the rest of your life.Interested to make a career in modeling? Feel free to contact us on
We hope you find these modelling jobs tips useful and remember; anything worth doing is worth doing well.